I will speed up wordpress website for google page insights


Job Quantity
50.00 $
Processing Fees (10%)
5.00 $
What people loved about this seller

Are you Fed up with the slow loading of your website?

We can help your WordPress site load within 1-3 seconds with the same "Design and Functionality".

We optimize sites with the Latest Google page speed insight guidelines and GT-

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About the seller



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1 year ago

Member Since

April 22, 2023

Hello, this is CodeComet, I have been working with WordPress and Shopify for developing and customizing websites.

Due to clients' demand, I have broadened up my skills in Digital Marketing, so that you have a complete experience with me.

I have been known for my prompt communication and providing proper consultation and support. I am open to custom offers. Feel free to reach me if my skills meet your needs.

Why Hire Us?

You are in expert hands! We know what we are doing and we complete every single job to the highest standard (From 8+ years). We will improve all aspects of your WordPress Website to increase speed in Specially mobile and desktop. Just send us a message and you will get a super detailed Report.

What Kind of sites Can't be Speed Optimized?

- Site using too many Third-Party Scripts like Affiliate Scripts, Random Ads, etc. The only solution is to remove them. - Hosting without GZIP Compression and too SLOW Hosting - Site Hosted on WordPress.com, AWS, Azure, Aruba.

Why Not Hire Cheap Gigs?

It's a dangerous gamble to give your website to inexperienced developers who may break your entire website. We have tons of experience with large complex websites and know how to increase speed without any trade-offs.

Can We get High Score on Mobile on Google Pagespeed Insights?

You can get Higher Score with our Premium Package. Mobile score specially depends on the Page Size, Theme Scripts/Functionality.

Which Speed Checkup Tools Do We Work With?

We only work with GTMetrix and Google page Speed. This is a Pro gig and our techniques go beyond just using plugins. We use coding skills, many years of experience, and advanced coding techniques to Optimize your site to the maximum in Mobile.

How much time it will take to complete work?

We usually Completed all work within 24 hours, If there is any urgent case we provide Priority Support as well. Message us Before Hand for Urgent Queries

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Job Quantity
50.00 $
Processing Fees (10%)
5.00 $
This job has no reviews.
Job Quantity
50.00 $
Processing Fees (10%)
5.00 $
Job Quantity
50.00 $
Processing Fees (10%)
5.00 $
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

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